Friday, 11 November 2011

We'll Get By With a Little Help From Our Friends

Hello Friends. One thing I have already learned from this project, prior to even embarking on our trip, is that our coworkers, family, and friends are amazingly kind, generous, supportive, and resourceful. Below are some examples of this.

· My husband, Bob, listens to my endless chatter about Munsieville with patience and interest.

· Donna Moser chaired her church bazaar and raised $1500 which she and her church, Lower Providence Presbyterian, donated to The Thoughtful Path. I knew Donna had many talents, but I didn’t know fund raising was one of them.

·Shannon McCracken and the Christopher Dock Field Hockey Team made Stars of Hope and donated $82 for the Tshepo festival. These young women are competitive athletes, but the stars they created show that they also have artistic talent and big hearts. I've attached a picture of the team with their stars.

· Stacy Tammi, Sandy Cerretti, and Candy Bertini developed pictorial educational materials to be used in the clinic in Munsieville.

· Patti Penkunas obtained glucometers and test strips from the clinic where she volunteers to be given as a donation.

· Instead of purchasing Christmas gifts for one another the Delaware Valley HS&P clinics are donating money to purchase glucose test strips.

· Paul Brooks, Ellie Higgins, Carola Michielson and Alyson Krucher have given very generously of their time and expertise to answer our questions and help us prepare for our trip.

Thank you to everyone for your support! Those of us going to South Africa hope to honor your hard work and generosity by cultivating positive working relationships with the people of Munsieville so that we can learn from one another and work together to build a strong community with healthy resilient children.

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