Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Health messaging cards in progress....

Several US employees -  Stacy Tammi, Sandy Cerretti and Donna LeFevre are working on health messaging cards for use in the clinics and possibly as 'take home' school messages for the children.  The topics they are planning and working on are :  ringworm,  coughing/sneezing,  teethbrushing and healthy eating.  The target is to have template drafts within approx the next week.


Thoughtful Path Munsieville said...

Hi Candy, Stacy, Sandy and Donna. That is great news and will definitly help the clinic and children! I am so proud to see my GSK colleagues being so involved in our project! Looking forward to see the end-result!

Kind regards
Carola Michielsen

Thoughtful Path Munsieville said...

Hi Candy, Stacy, Sandy and Donna. That is great news and will definitly help the clinic and children! I am so proud to see my GSK colleagues being so involved in our project! Looking forward to see the end-result!

Kind regards
Carola Michielsen

Anonymous said...


The cards sound really useful, but I was wondering how permanent the are. Will you leave additional cards behind for new arrivals?
How will they get more?

Are these something that you may want to create in a larger format to post in the clinic and creches?

My guess is you already considered all these things.

Chris Bannan